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Breach (The Blood Bargain) Page 18

  “It’s important that I go Dad.” I argued, irritated he still continued to speak for me when I was a grown woman on the council. For a brief moment I applauded my decision to go home and change before this meeting, I had a feeling my case would have been harder to argue in a party dress and heels.

  “Like hell.” He snapped back.

  “My previous interactions with the vamps are crucial to the success of the mission.” I looked over at big papa Graham. “Can the colony really afford a wide spread viral outbreak? Or how about a rash of complex pregnancies?”

  The look on his face was a definite no.

  “Your daughter is right Steve.” Graham spoke slowly, careful of my father’s temper.

  “She’s grown now and looking out for all of us. Should make you proud. Not to mention Mr. Everen will be along as well as the vampire, that’s about as bubble wrapped as one can be these days out in the wilds.” I watched my Dad’s face tense. Graham’s logic, however misplaced in its intentions, was irrefutable. If Dad continued to press the issue he would start to give the appearance of favoritism and possibly weakness to his peers. I hated putting him in that position, I really did.

  “Ah just the man I was waiting for.” Papa Graham announced with a clap. From the dark shadows of the doorway strolled in a large figure almost as wide as the doorway. Stepping into the candlelight, I caught the flash of silver from around his neck. Dog tags. “Mr. Everen. How nice of you to join us in the wee hours of the morning.”

  His combat boots did not squeak on the tile as he walked toward us, hips rolling with that poised posture of a trained soldier. The haphazard way his flannel shirt was buttoned combined with the thick stubble on his chin stood as testaments to a man who had just rolled out of bed.

  “No problem Sir.” Standing at attention in the center of the semicircle he placed both of his hands behind his lower back, his hooded stare directly forward.

  “We are in need of your special skills for a particularly high exposure mission.” Papa Graham ran his fat little sausage fingers over the parchment. “As you well know, the trade caravans from the north have ceased, coupled with the sudden departure of our doctor we find ourselves in quite a pinch. Fortunately for us, Caius has offered one of his brood to escort a team north to check on our sister colony, obtain fresh medical supplies and possibly get a doctor to relocate.” His wrinkled brow nodded in my direction. “Miss Younger will be accompanying you as well.”

  “When do we leave?” That was all Rylie asked. No why’s or how come’s. I wondered if he pondered such things, or had even the unravelling of society not been enough to pick apart that military foundation of subservience ingrained into his subconscious.

  “Tomorrow.” I answered for Graham.

  “Rylie I want you on my daughter like white on rice we clear? She comes back in one piece. No matter what.”

  The once soldier saluted him. “Yes sir.”

  That should have been it, gravel dropped end of meeting, and instead Mr. Graham turned toward his son.

  “Zack, you’re going with them as well.”

  The momentary silence that sentence birthed was in itself deafening.

  I immediately looked at Mr. Everen, beneath that stoic expression his eyes attempted to hide an indication of discontentment over the addition. Both Rylie and Zack spoke at once.

  “With all due respect-”

  “Father I-”

  Both of them were cut off by the gravel hitting the block. The forceful wood strike echoed through the hall in a deep bass, reverberating the windows and forcing the hung pictures to tremor. The building reflecting our own shock at this proclamation.

  There was no way, no way in the world that Zackary Graham would last on this excursion. I highly doubted Zack had disposed of a deadhead with his own hand in the last decade, let alone be confronted with multiples in variable circumstance. Still Papa Graham seemed to be set on the issue, rising immediately from his council seat to retire up to his office. Waddling away slowly, he ignored Shive’s request to ‘have a word’ and trundled to the stairs with his son tight on his heels.

  Whatever. It was his kid’s funeral. I frankly had too much on my plate to give a rat’s ass. When the council broke I took a moment to reassure my father and chat with Richard.

  After we parted, I walked around back of the town hall in a lull, ready to close up my office and hand over my farm papers to Richard in my absence. I had just crossed the second floor landing when I heard...footsteps?

  “Father how could you do this to me?” That was Zack’s voice. I stopped dead in the hall, pressing myself against the cold surface of the wall behind me I listened.

  “It isn’t about you Zackary.” Our council head sounded tired and annoyed. With a sigh he kept talking softly. “Look, someday I’m going to be gone and you are going to run this town. For that to happen the people need to trust you. Trust. You. You haven’t made very many friends around here. You are not well liked. The Young girl is. For the people to back you, you are going to have to show that you are brave, that you are capable of living in this new world of ours. Now, Rylie is as seasoned as they come, plus you will have a vampire with you. I cannot think of a more protected way to give you the time you need in the wild.”

  “Liv is more liked than me?” That made me smirk, I couldn’t help it. A whole speech from daddy on manning up and all he got out of it was a popularity problem.

  “Don’t be daft son. The girl went from pariah to bloody hero. That is a serious problem for you. Your ability to get my seat after my death will be directly blocked by the Youngers. Steve was instrumental in building this place during the outbreak. Everyone loves him, and now his bumbling daughter.”

  “I see. I see what you mean.”

  “Hold your head high, stay close to Everen. Stay in the back.” Graham’s voice dropped to an almost inaudible whisper. “And if it comes down to the dead, you and Evelyn. Make sure it ends in just you.”

  “Yes father.” I was walking down the hall as quickly as I could before he finished his sentence. If Zack Graham thought he was going to pull one over on me well then he had another thing coming.

  Most likely an arrow through the eye.

  While technically less than a year since had passed since I had dressed for the wilds, my perception of the duration oscillated between vivid imagery and distant recollections. Sliding my slender legs into a pair of jeans I pulled them up over my rear with a jump, an extra sharp tug required to button them. I admittedly had been far more sedentary in my current position than I had been the last time I’d wore this particular pair. The waistband dug into my skin slightly when I bent over to tie my black leather work boots. Holding my breath I tucked my jeans into the leather tops, grateful for the lax in material when I stood up again. Stretched out, that’s all they needed. It wasn’t that I was putting on a few pounds. At least I tried to convince myself of this convenient explanation while my eyes darted over the row of neatly folded shirts in my armoire. I started with a charcoal gray lace camisole top over my admittedly girly pink bra, half ass buttoned a white military inspired button over it then shrugged my shoulders into a well-worn black motorcycle jacket. I always wore my leather jacket, bought me that split second delay if I ever needed it to intercept teeth and my skin. It took an extra tuck to free all of my brown locks from the jackets collar, my hands tracing the soft waves to the tip. My damned hair, it got into everything these days, a few more months and I’d be a Rapunzel, long flowing locks that my prince could climb-immediately the prince in my thought transformed. Scenes flashed in my mind of that dead man from the high rise’s porch so many months ago who had been grabbing for my boots-


  Without another thought I stalked from my room to the old bathroom at the end of the hall. Opening the upper cabinet where Zoe kept the barber shears and scissors she used on the twins hair. Knocking a bag of cotton balls on to the floor I pulled free the green handled scissors. The white fluffs spilled onto the f
loor in soundless mess in the reflection of the mirror. Wrenching free a tuft of hair from behind my left ear I took the shears to it, long brown strands falling into the sink. The sounds of Lloyd’s screams during the wall assault echoed through my mind with each snip. My reflection blurred, wet lines running down my cheeks. Wiping at my cheeks I grabbed more hair, the sound of the scissors barely audible over my own harbored breathing. I didn’t stop until it was off my shoulders, all of it. Drying my eyes my reflection in the mirror was what it had been for years, large almond shaped green eyes with just a few more fine lines by the edges, skin tone a little less even on my nose and cheeks even the corners of my mouth seemed to dip down rather than up. With a deep breath I smoothed out my dark brown hair and forced a smile. The face in the mirror lit up, transforming into a pretty thing with high cheekbones and dazzling straight teeth. The grin was a mask that made me feel like a fraud, I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t calm. I did not want to do this, and yet I didn’t have a damned choice. I couldn’t go another month with these vampire invoked episodes. Phantom pains echoed in my legs while I bent and twisted to clean up the mess I had made of the bathroom. I fought back tears with each rogue cotton ball I collected, the moment of vulnerability made me curiously happy, tears washing stress off my soul.

  When I got my composure back, I said my goodbyes to Dad, it seemed every time I left he looked a little older; more wrinkles on his brow, a fresh set of crow’s feet by his eyes. Even his left hand had started to shake a bit. He hid it well, but I saw. I guess that’s what this life does to us. Death beats on our door from the outside while simultaneously tugs at our heart from within. I didn’t want to admit that his deterioration was my fault, but I knew. Any parent worth a damn would be the same way in his shoes. As he hugged me tight I promised-over and over-I would be come home safe and sound.

  I hoped I could keep my word.

  The two vehicles we had been sanctioned for the expedition were in good shape. A white van with no windows to transport Candice during the daytime, and a black hard top jeep that handled rugged terrain with decent gas mileage. Both were stored at the Onda Shop-the H long since gone from the sign-just north of town.

  As this was an actual colony sanctioned trip, my transport to the Onda shop was well armed with a team of ten, rather than last time when it was Cole and I sneaking through the weeds. Speaking of Cole, he happened to find himself on this little attaché.

  Not good.

  Every little smile I shot him on the trek to the Onda shop was met with a narrow eyed flat lipped response. As my mind was already racing with the millions of to do’s and possible outcomes of our northern trek, I tried to dodge him while we loaded supplies.

  He cornered me by the jeep while I was stuffing a blanket and first aid kit under the passenger seat.

  “I’m going with you.” There was no if ands or buts in that sentence.

  “No. You’re not.” The door of the jeep shut harder than I meant to. “Rylie and Ben are in. You’re on the wall here.” My feet started carrying me around the back, we still had to load up the extra gasoline, rations, all the-

  “What…what the hell Liv?” He spun me to face him. Shrugging his hands off of me, I took a step back.

  “Look there’s no question about it that you are one of the best there is around here, but I promised your Mom I wouldn’t put you in harm’s way. With Rylie and myself both gone, this city is gonna need some seasoned vets in case we get another onslaught wave like we did last time. So please, for me. Stay here. It’s going to be hard enough to keep myself safe, let alone have to worry about you.”

  “Worry about me? Last I checked I can protect my own ass.”

  “I don’t want you coming, it will mess with my head on the mission. If you got hurt or...worse.” I gulped. “It’s better if you stay. Safer.” Plus I promised your mother, I thought to myself.

  “That’s such bullshit. You know what? I don’t get you. Every time we get close something happens and you just shove me out to the edge like I’m a burden. I’m sorry I want to keep you safe, hell sorry I give a shit.”

  “Cole...I-” Face flushing I felt my emotions start to take hold. Anger is so much easier to deal with than sadness, it was easier to have him furious with me than to see the pain I was causing him. I had never wanted to hurt him, it was the last thing I had ever wanted to do. Yet here I was, doing it again.

  “No no...Don’t.” Palms up towards me he backed up, head shaking, “like with everything else you’ve unilaterally decided before we’ve even discussed it. Well don’t you worry sweetheart, I’ll stay home like a good little boy while you go run through the wilds.”

  “I’m sorry I-”

  “Keep your damned sorry.” He snapped back at me, his eyes shimmering from the burning rage that concealed his sadness. A look that would haunt me to the end of my days as he turned his back on me.

  “I’ll be back soon.” I called after him as he walked away. “Cole...wait.” I whispered, feeling a sudden urge to run after him.

  A heavy hand clapped me on the shoulder. Ben was smiling in that been there done that way. Again I thanked my lucky stars that he didn’t hold a grudge over my big mouth on his womanizing.

  “Stop. It’s all good Livy Liv. He’ll come around, you know him. All temper and remorse.” “Should we have brought him?”

  “I think you said it. In a pinch I don’t think he could put the welfare of the goal ahead of your own life. Was the right call.” Rylie chimed in, as he loaded a few bottles of water into a duffel. I felt my face flush, nothing like airing personal business in front of all the guys. Least Rylie appeared to care less, his comment came across at the same tone used for ‘it may be cloudy today’, factual as could be.

  “Then why do I feel so awful about it?”

  “Cause sometimes doing the right thing sucks total ass.” Ben quipped with a snort.

  “Amen brother.” Ethan chimed in, the last case of water going in the back of the jeep. I didn’t know much about Ethan other than Rylie picked him personally. Hadn’t seen him much around town. From what Rylie said he used to run point when we had trade with Lake City. Ethan struck me as a mousey guy. Dark brown shrewd beady eyes that missed nothing under thick brows, collar length brown hair tucked behind pierced ears a bit too large for his face. He didn’t smile as much as kick up the right corner of his mouth in an impulsive smirk that seemed out of sync with the conversation at hand. He seemed under dressed for the occasion, his thin frame covered in a pair of khaki cargo pants and a black long sleeve shirt that had holes torn into the sleeves for his thumbs. No leathers, tennis shoes instead of boots. In many ways he seemed more like a colony hermit than one who would be out in the wilds repeatedly. Still, despite his oddities he seemed sincerely pleasant.

  “Oh look who managed to show up.” Ben drawled, looking behind me.

  I stifled a laugh as I turned around. Walking towards us from the south was Zackary Graham, decked head to toe in military city combat regalia, a handgun at both hips, a shotgun handle visible from behind his head, a shit eating grin on his face and a wall guard on each side.

  When Zack got within twenty yards of our position the two guards turned back towards Junction, looking quite pleased to be free of their charge. I watched them depart, waiting for the pair to break into song and dance over the horizon.

  “Thanks for helping us pack. Really appreciate it.” Ben called out to him, setting the stage for Ethan to say something similar.

  Zack just flipped them both off casually with his left hand as he approached Rylie.

  “Mr. Everen.”

  “Zack.” Rylie nodded in turn, his gravelly voice devoid of emotion.

  “Sorry I’m late, had some wrap up business to conclude with the council, got to make sure this colony can run without me while I’m gone ya know.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Let’s get moving now that we’re all here. We’re bleeding daylight.” Rylie growled to no one in particular.

  I didn’
t look back when we piled into our vehicles. Ben and Ethan took the van with Candice boxed up and sleeping in the back, I climbed into the jeep with Rylie.

  Zack got in the backseat of our vehicle.

  I admit, my heart pounded a bit heavier in my chest just having him there. Now I was literally having to look over my shoulder for a knife.

  “So how long till you think we’re knee deep in those damned things?” Zack started in as the car rolled forward. “You’ve seen a lot of action in your day haven’t you Rylie? My Dad said you used to be in Afghanistan or some shit before the world went to hell. Must be a lot different fighting the living. Which branch of the military were you by the way? Marine Recon? Navy Seals?”

  “Army.” Rylie muttered.

  “Oh just Army? I figured you were Special Forces or some shit. Whatever it’s still cool, not like, Marines or Navy Seals cool, but it’s still kinda bad ass.”

  I couldn’t tell if Rylie was ignoring him or actually listening to the drivel pouring out of his mouth. With an expression that remained stoic, his hooded gaze was fixed on the cracked pavement in front of us. The thought of having to put up with this incessant noise for the entire trip while simultaneously attempting to protect myself from ‘friendly’ fire was too overwhelming. I did the only thing I could do in this situation. Pulling my sunglasses down over my eyes, I kicked the chair back and tried to fall asleep.

  “So how many have you killed Rylie? A hundred? Two?” Desperately wanting to drown out their conversation I focused on only the spin of the tires and the crackle of the pavement outside. With my eyes closed, each bump in the road felt like a gigantic pot hole, tossing my head about like a rag doll. Still the pull of sleep weighed me down, synapses slowed and my breathing tapered off.


  “That’s it? Man, some badass you are.” Zack actually sounded disappointed.

  “I don’t count the dead.” I could have sworn Rylie muttered under his breath, his deep voice the last thing my mind registered before whisking me off to the land of the dreamers