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Breach (The Blood Bargain) Page 27

  I gave him a little squeeze on the knee under the table. "Dad wanted me to tell you that he enjoyed your company at dinner last night. Wants you to come back over again soon."

  "Your father is a remarkable historian." The two of them had bored me to tears when they had gotten into the construction of the roman aqueducts. Still I was pleased no one broke out a cross and holy water at the dinner table, I had really worried about that.

  Nudging him playfully I pressed the point. "Is that a yes then?"

  "Of cour-" The rest of his sentence was cut off by the sound of two thick palms hitting the end of the table.

  "Whew! You would not believe what that one can do with her tongue." The collar of his flannel shirt a mess, Adam collapsed down besides D. Pushing him further into me, not that I minded. His pine scent was one I could not get enough of.

  "Way to keep us waiting Adam." I threw a peanut at him. Now we were all here, all of us except eyes found Cole in the corner by the pool tables, playing a round with Tess. His new wife. A blond bubbly farm worker that by all accounts was perfectly pleasant. Their whirlwind courtship had started the day we headed north from what Adam had said. The same freaking day. Guess that means he dumped me. Not that I hadn't been planning the same when I returned, just hadn't expected it from someone who had been so adamant in professing his love mere days before. I hadn't personally congratulated him on his union yet. Someday maybe. He'd made it pretty clear he didn't want much to do with any of us for now. Adam had quoted him at proclaiming us all death and drama. Hell, I'd rather be death and drama any day then dull and dreary.

  "Was Caius going to-" Rylie started to ask. We'd all extended him an invitation to join us, although I knew as well as the others did that he would never accept. Caius his hands full. There was some serious vamp matters afoot. None of House Lambros would speak of it, but we knew Rylie and I, we had heard what happened on that faithful day. Whispers of Queens and Princes, Treaties and Betrayals. Heavy Shit. Things frankly, we were all too exhausted to give a damned about at the moment. Someday it may rear its ugly head, until then it was not my problem. On top of all that pending drama, Caius had to deal with the other refugee from the north. The volatile and unreadable Fang who I had begun calling the White Wizard in hopes he would take a hint and ditch the stupid suit. So far no luck.

  "Ha! That's funny. You're a funny guy." Adam shook his head.

  "Daddy is such a shut in." Alyssa laughed in agreement.

  "Stop calling him that." I whined.

  "Stop calling him that." She parroted two octaves higher.

  "Okay then...who's going to?" Ben asked. "Liv?"

  "No way." I objected, returning my gaze to present company. "Rylie you do it."

  "Yeah, you're the leader." Ben agreed.

  "No...I'm not good at those sort of'-"

  "Bullshit, yes you are." Alyssa gave him one of her million dollar smiles, wrapping an arm around his waist she gave him a quick squeeze. "Come on Captain." Which brought on cheers of do it do it, from all present.

  "Alright...alright...shut the hell up." Rylie ran his hands through his hair, the spidering lines of his burns visible for a fraction of a second.

  "Two months ago to this day we invaded Lake City. Just a handful of us on limited sleep, foul rations and hearsay intel. Despite all odds we fought bravely and sacrificed much. On that day...our friends gave their lives in the pursuit of freedom. Of justice. Of equality. Tonight we honor them. Their lives, their sacrifices. Let their bravery be remembered always." Rylie rose his cup high in the air. "To old friends and new ones. May they rest in peace. Cheers."

  "Cheers." We shouted in unison, the clink of our glasses resonating our vow. Zack may be boasting to all that would listen, but he wouldn't be the one to write this story in the pages of history. When pen went to paper the real heroes would be forever remembered.

  "To Junction! May I never have to leave my warm bed again." Ben rose his glass in a second toast.

  "Amen to that!" Rylie rapped on the table with a laugh. By the time the candles burned low, most had cleared out of the Garage. Ben had left with his fiancĂ© first as he was still somewhat under the weather with his injuries. I'd lost track of Dimitri when he walked outside with Adam, but it had freed me up to play a few rounds of darts with Rylie until Alyssa dragged him away with a wicked smile.

  The cool outside air did little to awaken my senses, I was on my way to passing out with the glorious after effect of a sharp hangover. My only goal was to make it back to my own bed.

  I found D in the alleyway I typically took on my way home. Leaning up alongside the brick building with his head tipped up to the moon and arms folded.

  "There you are. I was wondering where you ran off to." I waved on my approach, focusing on my footfalls so I could muster the appearance of a straight line.

  His gaze snapped over to me, jaw clenched.

  I stumbled backward. "You okay?"

  "Yes." His eyes had wandered back to the sky, in my inebriated state I wasn't sure which star he was mad at.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Of course. Come." He put his left arm over my shoulder, pulling me close. "Let me walk you home. I have matters to discuss with you."

  Hurrying me out of the alleyway we turned onto 1st. The sound of our feet on the concrete lost in the orchestra of crickets.

  "So...what do you want to talk about?" I slurred, reaching out in front of me I caught a firefly in my palm on my third try. "D?" Releasing my glowing captive I smiled, watching the little light dance in the darkness. Looking to my left I noticed D was no longer next to me. He had stopped a few paces behind.

  "Liv. As the council member liaison to my kind I beseech you to speak for my cause. For you see with the addition of Fang and Alyssa my home has become rather...cramped." Lowering his hood, he ran both hands through his hair. "I was wondering if housing could be allocated for myself and my line."

  I didn't know why he was behaving so awkwardly over a simple housing request. I smiled, taking a step towards him I lost my footing. He caught me by the arm, helping me back to an upright position with a chuckle. "Okay, I'll see if something can be carved out for you and Adam. I know the infected home is still vacant, you may have to clean up some blood splatters and-"

  "Not just Adam." His hands landed on my shoulders, steadying my balance. There was a fear in his beautiful eyes, trepidations about something...something serious.

  "What?" I whispered, not following. Dear Lord what kind of robotic vampire lizard half sibling did we have to worry about this tim-

  "You." Gently he placed his soft hands on the sides of my face, ice blue eyes boring into my soul. "You are my bond, therefore a very important part of my line. Where ever I may lay my head it will never be my home...without you."

  "Dimitri..." I stepped-mostly staggered-back, shaking my head. There was still so much of our bond I didn't understand. I wasn't sure which emotions were my own, and which were created for me.

  "In the eons in which I have lived, no one has ever risked as much as you have for me. No one has loved me as you do."

  "I don't..."

  "You do. As I you." He kissed me, soft cool lips a feather weight against my own. "As I you, Evelyn."

  Well, I suppose there was only one thing I could say. I opened my mouth to respond-

  and vomited all over his shoes.

  Coming Soon

  Midnight Accession

  The truth behind the undead plague becomes clear as the war between the Queen and Twifel Princes comes to Junction. Unexplained murders and outbreaks rein as the vampire lords play their cards in the shadows, threatening to wipe out what remains of the human race.


  Macaela lives in the American Midwest with her husband and many children.



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